Shinto Weddings: A Japanese Wedding Custom

Despite the fact that Japanese people are very interested in foreign wedding customs, Shinto rituals are not typically used in contemporary ceremonies. People are more likely to hold a Christian, Buddhist, or enlightenment service that is influenced by western culture. Despite this, marriages also incorporate a lot of old-fashioned elements, such as the wedding rings and flowers toss.

About one in six Japanese celebrations are Shinto, or” shinzen shiki,” and they are typically held at a temple. The bride has her hair covered with a unique ornamental head cover called tsuno kakushi, and she is dressed in white robe, which represents purity. A wedding is followed by a reddish umbrella in the ceremony march. This color represents career and deters evil spirits.

Customers at the welcome hiroen share humorous anecdotes and enjoy one another’s corporation. Additionally, it is usual to present the newlywed few with hikidemono as a token of appreciation for their presence. Larger gifts, known as hikinomono, are typically made of porcelain or silk and include things like chopsticks, tableware, folding fans, or pleasure cups. Small gifts are also called “hikigashi,” which may include candy and candles. It is crucial that these gifts are delivered in a beautiful box, or shugibukuro, and that the donation is ultimately oddly numbered to represent the number of new beginnings.

Following the ceremony, the bride and groom each drink sake three periods beautiful japanese women from nine different mugs to cement their union. This is a symbolic act of purification and exorcising the handful of their imperfections, which are knowledge, love, and contempt.


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